weird kind of love : 20 year old lady dating 60 year old man gushes, "people are jealous of our love!"

weird kind of love : 20 year old lady dating 60 year old man gushes, "people are jealous of our love!"

Seems to me like an Oedipus complex.

20 year old Leah Senibaldi is head over heels in love with a 60 year old man who used to be in a music band with her father, and says people are even jealous of their love.

Leah, from Nashville, in Tennessee has been dating Ress Benson, 60, for two years – they met for the first time three years ago and the attraction was “instant.”

The couple are so in love that they don't care about the disapproval from family, friends and even strangers as they are talking about tying the knot.

They met when Ress was onstage with Leah’s father’s band – but they did not get romantically involved for 12 months when Leah confessed her feelings.

Speaking to Dailymail, she said

“We get a lot of stares, but we’re never offended, we play up to it and have a lot of fun by giving people something to stare at.

“Quite often if we know people are staring we will kiss to try and wind them up, it shocks them but we don’t care because we’re not doing anything wrong.”

Their feelings for each other grew stronger as they saw each other at her father’s band practice:

“When we first met three years ago, our eyes just locked and I don’t know why but I ran up and hugged him – it just felt right.

“After my parents found out I was talking to Ress online, they assumed the worst, they didn’t want us talking and thought he was just trying to groom or use me.

“I was forbidden from talking to him, but after a year my feelings towards him hadn’t changed and we started chatting again.”

When they again met in person, Leah says she knew instantly they were supposed to be together: “I knew I loved him and since then nothing’s changed, my feelings have only grown with time.

“It was obvious that we had feelings for one another, we were meant to be together and since we started dating last year we’ve been completely inseparable.”

 Meanwhile Leah, a student, says she doesn’t worry about being a young widow and believes they will have a chance to enjoy each others company for many years. And she believes many women are just jealous of her “attractive” man:
“When we went out to dinner for my 20th birthday, one older woman kept turning around and looking at us, once I realised, I leaned over and kissed Ress on the cheek, I think they’re just jealous. I think a lot of older woman are jealous of me, because I’ve got such an attractive boyfriend and they can’t have him.”

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 00:39 and have 0 comments

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