9 signs you're in a long term romance or love life

9 signs you're in a long term romance or love life

Be financially ready for that special lady

You may be in a relationship that you cannot define, wondering if it’s just s ex or there’s loves in the mix and you're in for a long ride with your him/her. However, there are things that show if you've connected and may remain so....

Sometimes you are in a relationship and you don’t know how to define it.
You might be wondering if it’s just s ex or there’s loves in the mix and you're in a long ride with your lover.
It is hard for anyone to judge that because people change at random – suddenly being the opposite of what they were (or pretended to be)!
However, there are some things that people do that show they've connected and may remain connected for quite a long time.
If you and your lover are doing two-thirds of the things listed below, then you're in for a long haul:
  1. You can shower together/bathe each other without having se x. When your wet n aked bodies do not mean se x must happen, you’re in!
  2. You fart and burp shamelessly without consequence. If you can fart or belch in each other’s company and it only causes a laugh - and maybe some playful spanking, you might have yourself your last lover.
  3. You give each other the most lovingly-goofy and stupidly weird nicknames. Imagine being called names like “big head,” “purple nips,” “squirmy Peggy”…. These names are only used in private, because you’re one.
  4. You send SMSs/call each other while sitting in the same room/house. Sometimes you just send random SMSs or call each other’s phone even though you are just a few meters/feet apart. The idea is usually to distract the other person, like saying “hey, I’m hear.” It could also be to initiate something naughty.
  5. You use the bathroom at the same time, no locked doors. If you’re comfortable with each other naked for long spells in the bathroom, with one taking a dump while another brushes, then you both are bound together – at least for an extended now.
  6. You talk about body flaws and defects casually. If your lover can talk about your scars, moles, stretch marks and other defects in a playful/loving way and you don’t fight afterwards, it means you have come to terms with each other’s body. It’s a good sign.
  7. You try on and wear each other’s clothes. Hehehe, when a dude begins to wear his girl’s dresses/pants/bra and she prefers his shirts/boxers to hers, something is happening.
  8. You try to tickle each other to death very often. The tickle-torture thing only works when you guys are really tight. A random s ex-only partner will not even appreciate such a move, or might not provide opportunity for such.
  9. You have a code language. When you begin to communicate in public with words and signs only the two of you understand, it’s a long haul romance
Other signs include walking around naked in the house, having the same set of close friends or having personal relationships with each other’s family members and he/she hangs out with your family and friends even if you can't be there.
Note that, sometimes, you may have all or some of the above signs and still wake up to heartbreak.
‘Love’ is very deceptive, sadly!

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 12:08 and have 0 comments

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