DEAR MEN It's All Your Fault 3 things you are doing that is making her not want $ex

DEAR MEN It's All Your Fault 3 things you are doing that is making her not want $ex

Happy couple

Most men would like to believe that they know all a woman wants or needs in the bedroom and they provide these needs.

  Sometimes, her disinterest n sex might be more about her than you, but more often than not, the way a man makes his woman feel in the bedroom will affect how much she actually wants to have sex with him.
Here are three main ways you might be sabotaging your sex life.

1. Not considering her pleasure

There are different things that get a woman to orgasm and enjoy sex. While men love the feeling of thrusting in and out, hard and fast (more like how they enjoy masturbation) women are more likely to orgasm and get pleasure from movements that focus on the clitoris.  The key here is to alternate. Go from rough to slow and back. Loving her this way will give you both the best of both worlds. Make sure you are grinding against her as much as you a thrusting. This is the key way to keep her on her toes.

2. Making s ex a chore

Most men are of the habit of pouting and sulking if their women seem uninterested in sex. Some even go as far as being insulting and rude. This makes her feel like she is not performing a 'chore' to your satisfaction. Making her feel this way will make sex feel like an obligation. And we all know that once you consider something a job, you are very unlikely to take pleasure from it. If, for whatever reason, she refuses sex, give her your respect and support. Make sure she does not have sex with you out of pity or because you are 'disturbing her' as this will cause her to attach negative feelings to the act. You will notice that focusing more on having sex when she wants it will make her want it more.

3. Ignoring her needs

Sex is not just about your own needs or fulfilling your own fantasies. Ask her what turns her on. Ask her what acts she enjoys most and what things she wants you to focus on more. Make her communicate her needs to you; like how often she wants sex, what her favourite positions are, what she has always dreamt of doing in bed, etc. Communicating is the ultimate key to better sex so do not ignore her.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 14:46 and have 0 comments

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