7 qualities you must always look for in a man

7 qualities you must always look for in a man

if she's not with wrong man who has no idea what her needs are

In today's society, ladies are generally given the perception that an independent woman may find it harder to get a partner that a woman who is not.
But it is entirely possible for an independent woman to have a wonderful man by her side but it can only happen if she's not with wrong man who has no idea what her needs are, because the relationship will eventually crumble when you both start exhibiting your true colors.
To avoid heartbreaks now and in the future, it is important that independent women look out for certain qualities in a man.
Holly Riordan of All Women Stalk, lists 7 qualities to look for in a man:
  1. Trusting: You're independent, which means that you're going to go out with your friends and have fun without him. You need a boyfriend who is trusting, so that he's not texting you every five seconds while you're out, wondering if you're cheating on him. He needs to be the type of person who's okay with the fact that your life doesn't revolve around him.
  2. Secure: If you date an insecure man, he's going to get jealous easily. Whenever you spend time with another guy, he'll wonder if you'd rather be in a relationship with someone else. When you put your job before your relationship, he'll wonder if you even need him at all. That's why you need a man who feels secure, so that he never wonders if you're lying about loving him.
  3. Social butterfly: You don't want to be the only one out having fun, or he'll start to resent you. That's why you need to find a man who has a bunch of other friends he can spend time with. Then he can still enjoy his life when you're not next to him. Plus, it'll make him whine less about the fact that you're always out and about without him.
  4. Passionate: You want your man to have a passion in life. That way, he'll spend his time doing useful things. Plus, people who are passionate are more likely to succeed, and there's nothing wrong with dating a guy who makes a decent amount of money.
  5. Patient: You don't want to be with a man who freaks out if you come home from work ten minutes late without calling to tell him. You should date someone who is patient, so that he's understanding when your schedule gets a little hectic. If he gets mad every time you're a little late, then the relationship won't last all that long.
  6. Loyal: While it's important for him to trust you, it's just as important for you to be able to trust him. If your schedule is busy and you don’t see him often, he'll have plenty of opportunities to cheat on you. Of course, if you're with someone who is completely loyal, you won't have to second guess whether or not he's telling you the truth about what he's doing while you're miles away.
  7. Independent: An independent girl should be with an independent guy. You don't want to be the one stuck doing his laundry and dishes, because he can't handle a few chores, do you? If you can take care of yourself, you'll resent him for not being able to take care of himself. Plus, it's no fun playing the part of his mother. It's just weird.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 03:24 and have 0 comments

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