HEALTH : DEAR MEN 5 exercises & styles that make you better in bed 3, 4 WORKS LIKE MAGIC

HEALTH : DEAR MEN 5 exercises & styles that make you better in bed 3, 4 WORKS LIKE MAGIC

Have more stamina and strength with these exercises.

Do you know that, when having  sex, you often make use of muscles you would not normally use in your everyday life? To have better and long lasting s ex, prepare yourself with these exercises.

1. Make Missionary Better:  Missionary is the go-to move for most people. You need strong arms and shoulders to hold yourself up the entire time. Increase your upper-body strength and shoulder stability with the bowing pushup.

Get into a pushup position. Keeping your elbows close to your ribs, lower your torso as if you were performing a pushup. You should be hovering a few inches above the floor. Simultaneously squeeze your glutes, drop your hips toward the floor, push your arms straight, and lift your head and chest toward the ceiling. Pause, and then lift your hips until you are in a pushup position again. That's 1 rep. Perform 10 in a row.

2. More strength for The Cowgirl: 
Just because she's on top doesn't mean she should do all the work. You have to provide a stable base for her, which requires serious core and hip strength. To last as long as possible in the style, do the hollow-body bridge hold.
Lie face-up with your legs straight and your arms at a 45-degree angle from your sides. Raise your hips off the floor by pressing your heels and palms into the floor and squeezing your glutes. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Add increments of 15 seconds each workout until you can hold the move for 2 minutes.
3. Build your muscles for The Iron Chef: This is one of the more challenging positions, since you still have to support your partner's weight. You need extreme upper-body and lower-body strength and stability to hold the move for longer than a few seconds. During your workout, prepare for holding onto your honey with a sandbag.

Grab a heavy sandbag and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold it vertically in front of your torso, hugging it to your chest. Slowly lower into a squat. Pause at the bottom, and then return to standing. Perform 5 to 10 reps. Hold the last rep for 10 to 30 seconds at the top, squeezing the bag to your chest. If you don't have access to a sandbag, you can modify this movement by cupping the end of a dumbbell with both hands and holding it vertically in front of your chest, your elbows pointing down.
4. Prepare for The Face-Off: The Face Off allows for close contact between you and your partner, but a lot of men report back pain from the strain of their partner sitting on their laps. You can build the core and hip strength necessary to hold the position with the V-sit.

Sit on the floor. Lean back, and lift your legs off the floor so they're straight and at a 45-degree angle. You body should form a "V." Hold this position for 60 seconds. Make the position easier by bending your knees.
5. Be the don for the Dog gie Style: Make every thrust count by improving the flexibility in your hips and increasing the strength in your glutes with the band-resisted hip thrust.
Anchor a resistance band to a pole and wrap the other side around your hips. Facing away from the anchor point, kneel down and let your glutes rest on the back of your heels. This is the starting position. Swiftly lift your hips and squeeze your glutes to assume a tall-kneeling position. Pause, and then return to the starting position. That's 1 rep. Perform 15 to 20 reps.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 00:34 and have 0 comments

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