ladies here are 10 simple signs To Tell When He's Close To Proposing To You,8,9 is most

ladies here are 10 simple signs To Tell When He's Close To Proposing To You,8,9 is most

1) He keeps checking on engagement ring prices online. Even bookmarks them next to his porn sites.
2) He all of a sudden loves playing with your fingers.

3) He makes hidden trips to meet up with your father which he hates to “discuss” buisness.

4) He gets more and more interested in wedding photos and programs and doesn’t feel ‘gay’ about it.

5) He has jewelers more frequently on his call log.

6) He quickly changes topic once you mention anything about your friends getting engaged or married

7) Ask his best friend’s girlfriend.

cool Check his emails under draft or trash. There are always clues in there. Also Facebook messages.

9) He randomly asks you when the most romantic part of the year is….Hmmm..Sharp guy.

10) He kneels in front of you and asks you to marry him.
This is purely from my own perspective. Feel free to chip in at the comment section. You all are always appreciated.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 10:35 and have 0 comments

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