5 signs your man has commitment issues

5 signs your man has commitment issues

A man who isn't serious about your relationship will often give certain signals to make sure you get the message that he may call it quits anytime, which is not fair to youl

Having a relationship with someone who isn't on the same page with you in terms of commitment could be very challenging.
It doesn't matter what kind of emotion you are feeling towards your partner, you'll definitely need more than that to make your relationship work.

A man who isn't serious about your relationship will often give certain signals to make sure you get the message that he may call it quits anytime which is not fair to you.
If a man doesn't want to be committed, there's is little or nothing you can do to force him to change the kind of relationship he has with you.
Jessica Nicklos of Dating Advice lists some signs to help you know if you are in a serious relationship or just stuck with a guy who has one leg out of the door.
  1. He won’t make plans: A non-committed man will never make solid plans with you, or he’ll break them at the last minute. If he’s not committed, he most likely won’t feel bad about breaking plans.You might find that he always leaves the planning up to you, making his only task that of showing up. If he’s not putting in the effort to see you, talk to you or make the plans once in a while, he isn’t relationship-ready.
  2. He won’t discuss the future: If your goal is marriage or at least an exclusive relationship with someone, you should be able to have that conversation and come to a conclusion that leaves both of you feeling good about it. Oftentimes, men who aren’t committed will not even entertain this conversation. They won’t want to define the relationship because labeling it or giving it a title such as “official” is something that requires a commitment. Men who aren’t committed will not even entertain this conversation.
  3.   He won’t put in the effort: A man who views your relationship as optional won’t put much effort into it. You may realize there isn’t any urgency to return texts or phone calls, or he may not remember to do something you asked him to do. He may not do nice things for you, make plans for you or even be around when you need him. Being responsive and thoughtful is what makes a relationship meaningful and exciting, and if he won’t put forth any effort, he most likely doesn’t feel any obligation or commitment to the relationship. In his mind, he’s thinking if it’s not going to be serious anyway, why should he pull out all the stops?
  4. He won’t introduce you : In a committed relationship, a man will want you to meet his family and friends, and over time this will naturally fall into place. But if he’s not willing to introduce you, or won’t even discuss the possibility, it’s not a great sign. He should want to share his life with you. Meeting those who are important to him is an important step in establishing an even deeper connection.
  5. He has his walls up: A man who keeps you at arm’s length emotionally and refuses to discuss important topics with you is showing a lack of commitment. Someone who is committed to you will be there with you through the tough times and the challenges and be able to come to you with an open heart. If he runs away from challenges, or pretends that problems don’t exist, he has built walls to either protect himself or keep you out.  Open-heartedness is a critical quality that’s needed to make a relationship last. So if you’re in a relationship and you start to see these signs, it may be time to realize that the commitment you’re looking for may not be there, regardless of the chemistry and love you feel.
Remember actions speak louder than words. If you desire commitment, it’s only fair that you find someone who can provide it for you.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 13:12 and have 0 comments

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