INSURANCE : 5 ways to make your woman love you without spending money

INSURANCE : 5 ways to make your woman love you without spending money

Its been said that money can solve most of your problems which is true to an extent but in certain situations, money truly isn’t the only thing that can help.
With the current recession we are facing in Nigeria, some guys who used to spend a whole lot on their girlfriends have needed to make major changes in order to survive. Does this mean the end of your relationship is near? No, if your woman truly loves you and not your money, they are many ways to pamper her and show how special she is to you without one naira leaving your pocket.
Here are five sure ways to make your girlfriend feel like a princess when you don’t have money to blow:
1. Make her a romantic dinner. This is for the men who know how to cook…or at least can whip up a decent chicken or fish stew. You should already have said ingredients at home so you make it the way you know she likes it.
You also have the normal white candles and some matches at home, so you can dim the lights and light up the candles to set a romantic mood. Sure, it won’t be as as glamourous as in the movies but the effort is really what makes it worthwhile.

2. Help her with her chores. Your girlfriend may need to clean the house or wash her clothes or do her hair. All these things are quite stressful and you offering to help out will really go a long way. Add her clothes to yours and wash them or help clean the house or see how you can help her do her hair. It is not usual boyfriend behaviour and will come as a nice surprise and she will see how much you care.
3. Sing her favourite love song to her. You don’t need to make a show of it or get a mic but just sing to her at some point during the day. You don’t need to have the best voice on earth but try to sing on key. Usually, when women like a song, they imagine the singer wrote it for them so imagine how happy she will feel if her boyfriend sings the lyrics to her.
4. Help her with her work problems. Whether she is employed or unemployed, we all need to strategies how we want our year to work out. Those with good jobs want to get better ones and those without jobs want to get a good one. She may already have a plan afoot but involve yourself and see how you can improve it for her or help her reach her goals quicker.
5. Give her a massage. Massages are a way of relieving our muscles of the stress which helps the body relax. Most women won’t have the time to book a masseuse or go to a spar so you learning some basic techniques and giving her a free massage will definitely make her day better.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 13:47 and have 0 comments

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