5 types of men women HATE kissing…many men are guilty of number 3 and 4 (see solution here)

5 types of men women HATE kissing…many men are guilty of number 3 and 4 (see solution here)

Your ability to make the lip-to-lip moments pleasurable can be all that separates you from getting the real deal – the sack moment with her. Being able to lead a woman from the kiss to the bed is a skill for the mature lover and you must not fail at it...

Kissing skills can determine how your woman rates you.
As a matter of fact, your ability to make the lip-to-lip moments pleasurable can be all that separates you from getting the real deal – the sack moment with her.
Being able to lead a woman from the kiss to the bed is a skill for the mature lover and you must not fail at it
Anyway, here are 5 types of kissers women hate …plus solutions:
The slimy beast. Women are terrified with men whose kisses remind them of slimy creatures. So do not let your tongue jump around uncontrollably once it’s in her mouth. Instead, focus on the lips, slowly caressing her lower and/or upper lip with your tongue and sucking her lips or just softly kissing her lips.
The odour cave. Odour gets women disgusted so try to at least avoid having a cigarette, eating garlic or any other food with bad odour at least some hours before you try to kiss her. Also remember to keep your mouth dehydrated, drinking plenty of water, chewing minty gum and brushing regularly – keeping in in mind that your mouth is your kissing tool that must be in good shape.
The thorny check. Yes, fine facial hair makes men look hot, but women also get irritated with those spiky, stubbles when it pricks their sensitive skin. So, if you can’t shave, avoid pressing your face into hers – lips contact only (or mostly).
The lizard tongue. You don’t need to shoot your tongue around when kissing; it irritates and scares some women. Instead of quick and jarring darting and hissing movements, keep it slow and sensual. If you can, follow her pace and roll your tongue in sync with hers.
The mouth-foamer. This s perhaps the worst of all, spilling spittle all over her face! If your mouth releases a lot of saliva, kiss in small spurts so the saliva doesn't build up – and swallow if it does. Kiss, pause, touch her face and kiss again repeatedly to avoid bathing her face.
Remember, the general is to use your soft lips to seductively kiss and tease.
No drooling, no darting and no slobbering!

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 12:04 and have 0 comments

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