Money is not Everything!! Have these 10 Things and a Girl will Truely Love you Without the Money

Money is not Everything!! Have these 10 Things and a Girl will Truely Love you Without the Money

When it comes to dating, things always seem more complicated than they actually are. Guys are always trying to impress girls and girls are always trying to impress guys. When it comes down to it, hardly ever do we go into the dating world being our true, natural selves. Instead, we put on a mask of artificiality trying to make ourselves seem that much more appealing to the opposite sex
Take a look at what it’s like to date in this century: we’re always trying to take the perfect pictures with the right filter so people will be attracted to us, we try to make ourselves sound more appealing abouteverything (I’m not working as a waitress, I’m in the hospitality industry), and we’re still trying to impress our 1,000 followers on social media in the process. It’s complicated.
One of the first questions guys get asked on a date is-“What do you do?” It’s not because all women out there are gold-diggers looking for doctors, lawyers and CEO’s, it’s because we’re trying to get to knowyou better.
Guys often think that the way to a women’s heart is through her closet  or jewelry box, trying to impress her with the lush and the lavish. Not all girls need to be taken out for steak and lobster with champagne on the first date-besides if that’s only the first date, what’s going to happen on the fifth, a yacht? Not all girls want to see your Benjamin Franklins before they see your Johnson.
There are far more things that a girl wants in a guy that has absolutely nothing to do with money.

10. Loyalty

couple shopping
All women want to date a man that is loyal. Loyalty is important in almost any relationship in a girls life-family, friends, and especially love. When a guy shows he’s loyal, a girl never has to worry about what he’s doing and who he’s doing it with. It takes time to build this kind of trust, but she’ll look for the breadcrumbs along the pathway. Girls look to a guys friendships to see if he’s a loyal guy-how long have you been friends with the guys you keep company with? A lot of times, if a guy has had lifelong friendships, it’s a sign of loyalty and trust, and girls love that. She’ll also look to see what kind of guys you’re hanging out with-you are who you associate with.
But, loyal doesn’t only mean that you’re not going to go out and cheat on your girl. Loyalty also means that you’re going to be true to her. You’re not going to make her feel insecure about your relationship, even if you’re having a rough day at work and just want to be left alone. You’re going to be able to talk to her about anything and everything, leaving all secrets aside and keep everything out in the open. You don’t have to share absolutely everything, but you should share the stuff that really matters with the one you love.

9. Respect

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Respect should be given, not earned. If you think that a girl needs to earn your respect, it’s time to reevaluate your outlook on women. When you’re dating a girl, no matter what you’ve heard about her or how she may come off, you owe her respect until you get to actually know her. It’s unfair when people judge you before they actually know you-no one judges a book by its cover anymore. Girls want the same respect that you think they owe you, given to them.
On a date, they’ll look for the cues- do you hold the door open for them, how you interact with the waitress, do you walk her to her car or her door-it’s as if our minds have mental notepads to see if you’re there for just the moment or for more.

8. Sense of Humor

couple laughing
We all love to laugh and in the end, aren’t we all looking for someone to sit at home and watch Amy Schumer with? A guy with a sense of humor always beats our a guy who is tall, dark and handsome. When a guy makes a girl laugh, he’s showing her the bright side of life, that anything can be fun and funny, no matter what’s going on.
We want someone who equally wants to stand in the corner at a party and make fun of people with. We want someone who will go to see the new Will Farrell movie with us at midnight on a Tuesday and get the extra large popcorn and soda. We want someone who doesn’t care how hideous their laughing face is or if we snort when we laugh because life is too short to not laugh until you cry.

7. Intelligence

couple reading
Smart guys are sexy. No matter what girls told you in high school, we’d rather have the nerd than the jock when it comes to settling down. Smart guys are great because they are aware of the world around them. Sure, it’s nice to be the center of somebody’s entire world but it’s unrealistic. Smart guys know that there’s a fair balance between work and play-they know how to create a life you both deserve. They’ll be able to hold a discussion with you, your friends and especially your parents about everything and with depth. 
You don’t want to be the guy who doesn’t know one candidate running in the 2016 election or the guy who can’t manage his own bank account. Your girlfriend is suppose to be your partner, not your parent-you should know how to manage yourself and hold your own while still supporting her along the way. Also, black frame glasses look good on just about any guy


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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 02:55 and have 0 comments

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