Shocked journalist reveals how young girls are shamelessly Knacking in exchange for money in broad daylight..shares photos

Shocked journalist reveals how young girls are shamelessly Knacking in exchange for money in broad daylight..shares photos

A journalist who went on an assignment in a town, has uncovered how young girls are shamelessly soliciting for sex in exchange for money in broad daylight.

Multitudes of young  prostitutes, some below double-digit age, in the Harare area of Zimbabwe, have once again intensified their operations in the forests adjacent to a popular flyover along Seke road in the area making it virtually their fortress.
According to a report by H-Metro, the commercial sex workers openly solicit for sex form members of the opposite sex without any degree of shame, using explicit words to lure clients, which makes any normal member of the public to stop and listen.
“Hey, have you had sex today, come get some,” one of them told a reporter, and shockingly enough, their charges rate from as low as 25 cents.
A female reporter stumbled upon the unusual occurrence when she was on an assignment somewhere near their sphere of influence. They quickly mistook her for a new prostitute who had come to invade their territory.
“You prostitute, go and operate at your usual workplace, who told you we’re making a killing here”, said a clearly agitated prostiute, later identified as Ayanda.
It was also learnt that there are two distinctive areas of operations for the sex workers. They use the railway lines which lead to the NRZ Harare min station, but according to some of the prostitutes, that base is not that productive at the moment, as the bush seems to be sanctuary for muggers and fugitives as well.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 23:52 and have 0 comments

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