6 signs your relationship expectations are too high for you

6 signs your relationship expectations are too high for you

You keep looking for 100% love when you are only willing to give 50%
1. Your relationship needs and wants are shallow: You focus more on the wrong things and would base dating someone only on the physical attributes.
Couple arguing Couple arguing
2. You live in a dream world when it comes to choosing a partner: Your ideal partner can only be found in romantic novels and magazines.

3. You constantly face rejection: You keep looking for 100% love when you are only willing to give 50%. In the long run you keep getting disappointed a lot.
4. You want an opposite sex who is just like you: You expect your partner to like everything you like and hate everything you hate. Life doesn't work that way. It's okay to look for compatibility but not too the extreme.

5. Your past relationships are always short-term: If your past relationships haven't lasted up to a year and above, then your expectations are really high. Maybe you should date God himself.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 02:16 and have 0 comments

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