Do you remember popular singing group Destiny Kids? Here are beautiful photos of the family now.. the are all grown up

Do you remember popular singing group Destiny Kids? Here are beautiful photos of the family now.. the are all grown up

Destiny Kids

Do you remember Rejoice  Iwueze, the lead singer of ‘Destiny Kids’ and her family gospel band of 5 who rocked our childhood days with their ‘Joy Joy Joy’ melody?
She’s all grown now, and here are beautiful photos of her, Favour, Joshua, Caleb and Best below;

Destiny Kids
Destined Kids Rejoice Iwueze
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids

Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
Destiny Kids
“Destined Kids” is group of six siblings who sing Gospel music. The Onitsha, Nigeria based group is also known as “Destiny Kids”. The siblings are Favour, Rejoice, Joshua, Best, Caleb and Wonderful – Sisters Favour, Rejoice and Wonderful; brothers Joshua and Caleb.
With Rejoice Iwueze as the lead vocalist and their father Deacon Stephen Iwueze, as the composer of all their songs, every single was a hit back then.
Years later, Rejoice Iwueze continued to sing with her siblings but also recorded solo Gospel songs.
Watch Joy Joy Joy (Reloaded) by the Destined Kids.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 13:00 and have 0 comments

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