HEALTH TIPS : 7 simple ways to get rid of bad breath. 3 AND 3 WORKS LIKE MAGIC

HEALTH TIPS : 7 simple ways to get rid of bad breath. 3 AND 3 WORKS LIKE MAGIC

Bad breath (known as halitosis) can occur as a result of poor dental hygiene or a sign of underlying health issues in some cases.

Bad breath in simple cases can be as a result of eating strong smelling foods, smoking or dry mouth although sometimes gum diseases and oral thrush can also give the mouth a foul smell! Bad breath is usually as a result of bacteria build up at the back of the tongue or between the teeth.< /div>
Bad breath can be very embarrassing  Bad breath can get embarrassing (Youtube)

Bad breath/halitosis is a common problem found in a lot of people and can get worse over time if not attended to! These simple habits if adopted will help keep bad breath away:
  1. Stimulating saliva production by chewing minty gums
  2. Flossing and brushing in the morning and at night to get rid of trapped food particles
  3. Cleaning the tongue after brush (when you brush, do same with the tongue)
  4. Rinse mouth after eating especially spicy foods
  5. Occasionally eat mint or parsley leaves
  6. Eat fruits high in Vitamin C, apples especially help to keep the breath fresh
  7. Drink water often

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 11:00 and have 0 comments

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