5 relationship ideas that are totally outdated

5 relationship ideas that are totally outdated

It's okay to discard some relationship rules that is likely to hinder you from enjoying a simple date or consider a relationship with someone you like
Often times, people remain single because their inhibitions prevent them from truly falling in love with the right person. When your love life is constantly guided by certain rules and regulation, then you may have difficulty really finding the one you seek.
It's okay to discard some relationship rules that is likely to hinder you from enjoying a simple date or consider a relationship with someone you like.

1. Having sex on a first date destroys your chances of having a real relationship: The truth is whether you sleep with your date or not, they've decided almost immediately if they want to start a real relationship or not.
2. Confident women intimidate men: Times have changed and men aren't looking for damsels in distress anymore. Many men appreciate confidence in a woman as long as she doesn't have a superiority complex.
3. It's a bad omen if your date doesn't call you after s ex the night before: If you choose to have sex with your date and they choose not to call the next day. You don't have to panic, it doesn't make you a loser. They wouldn't have called you too even if you didn't have sex, which simply means it wasn't a match made in heaven.

4. Your s ex life dies after marriage: Well, study has proven that married people have more sex than single people or live-in lovers.
5. Opposites attract: People love to be around other people who share their ideas and beliefs. They bond better when they can agree on a subject.

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Posted by uztalkz, Published at 13:45 and have 0 comments

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